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          Welcome to the 56th. Annual Grain Belt  Classic ~ 350 mile Young Bird Race 

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   AU 18 Midwest 40

50th. Grainbelt Winner


























Lost Bird Inquires Contact ~ Gwen ~ 402-208-6998


Annual Grain Belt  Classic Winning Breeder, Handler & Race

                   56th. Grain Belt  2024 Race Results





                   55th. Grain Belt  2023 Race Results

   Midwest National YB Race 


 Breeder:     Brad Sturdy

          Handler:    Gerardo Ceballos


                   54th. Grain Belt  2022 RACE RESULTS


             Breeder:  Thomas Baldwin Jr.

Handler:   Greg Warren


                   53rd. Grain Belt  2021 RACE RESULTS

   Midwest National YB Race 


Breeder:  Ryan Hess

      Handler:  Adan Saldana


52nd. Grain Belt  2020 RACE RESULTS


 Breeder: Don Riedel

       Handler: Carter Mayotte


51st.Grain Belt  2019 RACE RESULTS


     Breeder: Carter Mayotte

      Handler: Duane Kugler


50th.Grain Belt  2018 RACE RESULTS


        Breeder: Midwest Peter Yang

   Handler: Jim Greelis

49th.Grain Belt  2017 RACE RESULTS


       Breeder: Chad Blocklinger

                 Handler: Dennie Schnitker


48th.Grain Belt  2016 RACE RESULTS


  Breeder: Don Riedel

           Handler: Jim Swierczek







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